Parent Category : Divination OR Go Back to Index This page was updated May 25, 2019 by jtk and is seeking submissions
Bertiaux, Michael - The Voudon Gnostic Workbook PDF
Emma Cohen - "Channellers, Cowries and Conversations with the Gods: explaining multiple divination methods in an Afro-Brazilian religious tradition." article in PDF format
Divination Techniques - Divination Techniques is a course that explores various systems of divination with a focus on those systems utilized by Southern conjurers. We explore traditional African divination systems and the role of the diviner in African societies as a way to understand, enrich and inform systems of divination within the context of American rootwork.
NOT Free, but looks like a good investment
Harvard Divinity Bulletin - "The Silent Voices of African Divination" by Philip M. Peek Article
Hoodoo - Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course PDF
Ifa divination system - Yoruba practice described by UNESCO
Kivmbanda PDF
Obeah - Afro-Caribbean Shamanism
Obi and Diloggun Divination - Information from the Assoc. of Indep. Readers & Rootworkers
Orishas - Historical information from
Rigaud, Milo - Voodoo Diagrams (1974) PDF
The Vudu Tarot - A New Afro-Diasporic Inspired Divination System
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