Hi my name is Tom Kuptz and I the owner of a top notch web design firm. As you know, your website is essentially your
company's digital salesperson. If it's good at its job, you'll do well. If not, you're leaving money on the table. The
quality of the layout and design and marketing are critical when trying to bring sales in from the web.
We develop beautiful websites that are easy to use, catch the eye, and simple to navigate, most importantly we can get your
site found by your customers instead of being lost in the crowd.
Have you been thinking about upgrading your site to a more cutting edge look and feel or adding a few elements to the site
that will help automate some of your business? If so then I would be happy to offer my experience and advise.
We create websites and market them based on your needs using cutting edge technologies. We are less expensive than some
of the 'big guys' but we are just as good as they are.
We are offering a free analysis/consultation of your site to see what we can do to help you.
Our analysis will:
- Show you how we could update your site into a more modern look and feel.
- Find ways to convert more visitors on your site.
- See what your competitors are doing and find ways to make you stand out among your competitors.
We will perform this consultation free of charge and there is no stress/pressure or obligation to purchase our services. If
you are interested just let us know what time works for you to have this consultation and I will be in touch.
I look forward to speaking with you.
Born and raised in Flint, Michigan during the time period depicted in the movie, Roger & Me; Flint is still my hometown.
Online ecommerce site and mail order business.
I own this successful business and handle all aspects of it's management. Eventually, I plan to expand into brick-and-mortar. More Information…
20 years experience in retailing, focused on customer service.
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
I am versed in PHP web development and web design with HTML5, jquery, javascript, and UIKit. I developed this website and my professional portfolio is available if you want to vet my skills.
I have 20 years experience at Kessel Food Markets and it's successor the Kroger Company. The first thing Mr. Al Kessel ever taught me was, "The customer is always right and if you think otherwise, then think again."
My entire expeience at Kessel Food Markets and later Krogers, was totally customer-centric. I had the privelge of working under many great managers and learning from them. This has served me well in my own retail endeavors.
My minor at University of Michigan was Mathematics and while I was there I worked at the tutoring center, helping students with Calculus, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Statistics, and Probability. I still am available for tutoring on these subjects and I also keep up a blog on the subject. My real interest in mathematics is in Axiomatic Set Theory, transfinite numbers, and Very Large Cardinals.
100,000 years ago the Earth experienced the Satya Yuga... A Golden Age, almost incomprehensible to us today in our fallen state. The men of that time were
superhuman techno-sorcerers who metabolized gold dust, communicated telepathically, and manifested a post-scarcity civilization by tapping into agape love and the limitless
grace of God. During my second Kensho experience, I had a vision of Heaven and the possibility of returning to this Kingdom of limitless wealth promised to us by
Lord Jesus Christ. I endeavor to serve as a Peace Ambassador today so that as many conscious individuals as possible may learn of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the
promise of Salvation and the unimaginable Kingdom to Come.
That will be difficult, given that my fundamental problems and,
in fact, the worlds' fundamental problems are problems of communication. The fractal ontology of consciousness is at the root
of these difficulties. SEE--you have no idea what I'm talking about. To fully explain myself, you would have had to have gone
a lot further than the proverbial "mile in my shoes." In order to understand me and where I'm coming from and what I'm
talking about, you would have had to be born with me in my body and come the whole way over 38 years to the present day.
That's why, to most people, I will say you can't understand me. In fact you have no idea how to interact with me, so just
leave me alone. I'm fine with that. I'm fine with being alone. And unbothered. But here too, it will become very bizarre real
What I mean is that in order to have an idea of me within your conceptual framework,
that is to even think about me, you have to have something to grasp onto. And so it
becomes very bizarre very quickly. I begin to recede from your awareness. You lose your grasp on the idea of me...and,
because of the subjective way we correlate perception and comprehension, you actually lose the ability to perceive me. At
first, you think of me as an enigma, a mystery, you become frustrated trying to work me into your conceptual framework.
Then you want to just stop dealing with me. I'm a problem to your world-view and sense of control within that world-view, so
I start to appear as a ghost, getting fainter and fainter. In fact, I scare you like a ghost or poltergeist would. It's
because you can't control me. You can't even hold the idea of me in your head long enough to reconcile a meaningful
surjection of the world with me in it. I frighten you, and I am beginning to appear less and less frequently within your
Eventually I will fade out altogether.
Here are the facts about
me: My IQ is off the charts. I am operating at the pinnacle of Maslow's heirarchy.
I am embarked and well-advanced on a path towards full self-realization. I am recovering memories of previous lives. I am
developing an extra-sensory perception and can even, when conditions are just right, look straight into your mind.
What does this mean? Well, understand that it's hard to explain myself without coming off like I'm prideful or even megalomaniacal. Nothing could be further from the truth. I love you and care about you deeply. At the same time, your interests bore me and your stupidity frustrates me, but you interest me and I don't want to hurt you anymore.
It's not like I don't have flaws. I do and in fact am deeply flawed.
Specifically, I am selfish and self-centered. I care about you. I have a deep and abiding compassion for you, but because
I am so smart and so wise, I tend to think that everything revovles around ME. I am the cause of the world's (and yours)
problems so I should be find or DO the solution to the world's (and yours) problems. Additionally, as the angel told me,
my chief sin is gluttony. I have a deep and yearning thirst for the
The thing is, I have an exquisite perception of how these flaws hurt you. That is why I want to hammer them out. Of course, as I just explicated, I am already insanely far beyond your level, if I work out the last few flaws, what then do I become to you? Perhaps it would be better for the both of us, if I moved away from you. We are already far apart in the mental terrain; maybe a reduction in physical proximity would "take the sting out".
Find me online:
Zodiac: I was born in the year of the fire snake, under the sign of the Lion, Leo. I was born on a Tuesday; interesting things always happen on Tuesdays. It was also called the "Summer of Sam" because the Son of Sam killer was active then.
English Gematria: My name has a value of 1302 in English Gematria. Correspondences include: Godlike Productions, Lucifer's Wife on Earth, First to Be Raptured, Gods Personal Lover, Old Wine New Bottles, Sitting Here Waiting, I Hated the Life I Had to Live, Seven of Swords (!!!), Christ's Rainbow Angel
A distant epicyle... I am destined to travel an orbit that will take me far from the comforts of an ordinary human life...
~Charles Bukowski~
they say that
hell is crowded yet
when you're in hell
you always seem to be
and you can't tell
anyone when
you are in hell
or they'll think
and being crazy is
being in hell
and being sane is hellish
those who escape hell
never talk about
and nothing much
bothers them
after that.
I mean, things like
missing a meal,
going to jail,
wrecking your car
the idea of
when you ask them,
'how are things?'
they'll always answer, 'fine,
just fine…
once you've been to hell
and back,
that's enough, it's the
greatest satisfaction
known to man.
once you've been to hell
and back,
you don't look behind you
when the floor
creaks and
the sun is always up at midnight
and things like
the eyes of mice
or an abandoned tire
in a vacant lot make you smile
once you've been to hell
and back
My Top 10 Books:
My Top 10 Films:
Are you seeking peace? Do you want to help us spread the message of peace? You have come to the right place.
A Broken planet...
Broken people...
A broken relationship with the Creator...
Healing starts today.
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© 2018 Website Design & Development by Thomas Kuptz. All rights reserved.