Parent Category : Divination OR Go Back to Index This page was updated January 8, 2019 by jtk and is seeking submissions
Assoc. of Indep. Readers & Rootworkers - Information on psychic readings
Lyn Buchanan
The Seventh Sense : Remote Viewing by "Psychic Spy" by Lyn Buchanan - Paperback
Now, for the first time, Lyn Buchanan—a world-renowned expert on remote viewing and its potential—tells the complete, candid story of his experiences. Assigned for nearly a decade to a clandestine U.S. Army intelligence group, Buchanan trained military personnel who utilized their inherent psychic abilities as a data-collection tool during the Iran hostage crisis, the Chernobyl disaster, and the Gulf War.
Controlled Remote Viewing - Lyn Buchanan's homepage
Remote Viewing with Lyn Buchanan - Interview Transcript
Without doubt this is the most powerful book dedicated to secrets of developing Clairvoyant Powers ever written.
Clairvoyance Power Secrets will teach you everything you need to know to develop your own, real clairvoyant powers to use at will.
Using your Clairvoyant powers you will find a whole new Universe opening up you, or more specifically a Universe that has always been there, but, until now, beyond your perception. Find out more now…
Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii - Psychic School offers certification program
Clairvoyance (video game) - Clairvoyance is a multi-player online board game about robots, lasers and perceiving the future.
Crystalinks - "a great website to do your research about native american prophecy and visions for the future times"
Dr. Hein's Virtual Viewing - The American military community and intelligence services wanted a way for anyone, especially ordinary people, to be able to tap into their minds and get access to "distant" information in foreign countries and the like. Now we're told it was used by our government for more than 20 years. A little over ten years ago, the program was declassifed and the protocols revealed to the public. Find out more now…
The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing by Paul Smith and Sally Rhine Feather - Paperback
Whether the reader is a curious investigator, a beginning remote viewer, or an old hand looking for a way to explain the practice to skeptical friends and family, this guide fills the bill. Dr. Smith sets aside the hype and sensationalism that often surrounds the paranormal and instead delivers a down-to-earth introduction of the science and practice behind remote viewing. His more than 30 years as a remote viewer and remote viewing instructor in the military and civilian life have prepared him to compile this accessible book.
Forbes - Can Clairvoyance Help in Business? Article
Intuitive Souls Blog - Signs You Might Be Clairvoyant Article
The Oracle Answers - Clairvoyance Test
James van Praagh - Clairvoyance: Seeing Beyond the Surface Article
Articles from Psychics for Today dot com:
Psychic Power Secrets
The definitive, book for developing your psychic abilities quickly, easily and reliably.
Everyone, without exception has latent psychic ability, including clairvoyant and psychic medium abilities that can be realised and utilised to great effect with the right training.
From the very first chapter you will learn the basics for developing your own psychic ability. Find out more now…
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