Top Level Category : Go Back to Index This page was updated February 14, 2019 by jtk and is open for contributions
You're about to discover a universal force so powerful, that it can give you anything you've ever wanted in life… if you know how to use it properly.
Achieving your dreams entails more than just doing the right things and saying the right words. It has a lot to do with your thoughts, and the feelings associated with them.
Any thought you project into the world will bring about a specific result. That's the power of the law of attraction.
That's why you should be very aware of what you're thinking about most of the time. Have you had days when you seem to run of luck, or days when everything just seems perfect? You've been creating those circumstances… through your own thoughts and feelings!
If you're not careful, any negative thought that comes to your mind might just come true! Similarly, any positive thought you project would bring good results.
The law of attraction is surprisingly powerful. It attracts to you the vibrations you give away, whether it's positive or negative.
Join me as we explore this fascinating topic,
Are you seeking peace? Do you want to help us spread the message of peace? You have come to the right place.
A Broken planet...
Broken people...
A broken relationship with the Creator...
Healing starts today.
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