Your Wish Is Your Command, Kevin Trudeau

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This page was updated November 29, 2019 by jtk and again September 14, 2024 by jtk

Your Wish Is Your Command, Kevin Trudeau

"Your Wish Is Your Command" 14-CD audio is a recording of a private and unique 2 day seminar. This set of audio CD's is a life-changing recording. Learn how to manifest your goals and dreams from the highly successful people. Whether you are looking for better health, financial freedom, a thriving business, a great relationship or any other your wish you may have. Change your life for the better today!

Additional information from speaker: A few months ago, I got together in the Swiss Alps with some of the most powerful, wealthy and influential people in the world to discuss how to really attract money and success. (In a minute, you're going to learn how to gain this knowledge.)

This was not some group of wannabes or new age phonies. In attendance were millionaires, billionaires, high-level government officials, leaders of countries, members of royal families, politicians and captains of industry. We also had the highest ranking members of exclusive secret societies including the Brotherhood (which I [Kevin Trudeau] was a member of for 30years), Freemasons, Illuminati, Skull and Bones and others. (What they shared about how to achieve success left me speechless and I'm sure you'll be just as amazed, so stay with me.)

The event was so exclusive that attendees paid OVER $10,000 to attend and traveled from every continent around the world to get this information. And when it ended, everyone said it was not only the best $10,000 they ever spent, they said it changed their lives. Imagine how powerful this information had to be for a billionaire to say that!

Your Wish Is Your Command, Kevin Trudeau

Your Wish Is Your Command

Think yourself into riches, a new home, a new car, an opulent lifestyle, happiness, meaningful relationships, peace of mind…whatever you desire. You're limited to the kind of thoughts you hold in your mind. The Law of Attraction does work. All you need to do is check your thoughts.

Theodore Roosevelt said, ‟In the moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

Tony Robbins said, ‟In the moment of decision, destiny is in the balance.”

Will is the faculty of the mind which selects, in the moment of decision, the strongest desire from among the various desires present. Will does not refer to any particular desire, but rather to the capacity to act decisively on one's desires.

As you expand in vibration you increase your ability to draw things to you easily. Higher vibration means more power. There are many advanced manifesting techniques that can dramatically shift your law of attraction practices to the next level. They are phenomenal when used with a clear intention. Shifting your vibration can be quite hard for the average person. When you are bombarded by the daily frustrations of the day, you may doubt that the law of attraction is even working in your favor.

Join me as we explore the Law of Attraction in depth,

Thomas Kuptz (signature)

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