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The Law of Attraction

How do you Master the Law of Attraction?

All individuals want to be successful and get all the good things in life. But just wanting and thinking will get you nowhere. You have to master the art of attraction. You have to attract the things you want towards you. But don't worry, I will tell you the art of mastering the attractor factor.

The key issue in mastering the Law of attraction does not lie in actually mastering the Law but mastering yourself to master the Law. This action on your part will start to attract whatever you want in your life. Truly speaking, once you realize the requirements in your life and start thinking of them, it means that you have already mastered the Law of attraction.

The Law never changes. It is constant. The variable factor in the Law is none other than you. So you have to change yourself in order to make the Law work for you. The more you change yourself, the more the Law of attraction will become powerful and the things you want will be pulled towards you.

You might have heard that as soon as you discover the Law of attraction, everything will immediately change in your life. But I assure you that this is just another fairy tale. The only thing that will make the Law work for you is the change that you bring into yourself. Just remember that if you want the best from your life then start living by adopting the life style you're dreaming of. And when you start living the life you want, you can assure yourself that the Law of attraction has already started working for you.

Now since you know what the Law of attraction is and you know how to change yourself to make the Law work for you, I will give you some tips to maximize the power of the Law of attraction to bring change into your life forever. But be sure that you first change yourself for the Law to work for you. Here they are:

1. Never Stop Growing: You should never, at any point in your life, stop growing. This means that you should never ever feel that you have attained everything in life. Do not be under the notion that you know everything about something. The minute you think that you know everything, you stop growing and this will stop the Law of attraction from working for you. The more you gain knowledge of the Law, the more you will be able to grow, and the more you will attract good things into your life.

2. Don't Try To Keep The Law A Secret: This means that you have to teach and tell others about the Law. The more you try to teach the Law, the more you will be able to understand the intricacies of it.

"Teaching is not only imparting knowledge, it is gaining knowledge". So try to teach as many people as possible about the Law. Once you start explaining the Law to others, you will be able to understand the concepts of the Law in a better way.

3. Try To Learn To Be Faster: This means that you have to focus on attracting what you want faster so that it is attracted towards you at a quicker rate. This means that you will have to put down your pride and change in every area where you need to change. Even if it is tough for you to change in certain areas, do not ignore it, but strive to change. This faster change is for your own good.



There's more to this series. Continue reading…
Next:  Why is The Law of Attraction So Powerful? —
The Law of attraction is the true definition of infinity. There is no boundary to this development. Thus, if you want to realize the limitless possible benefits of the Law of attraction, then you will have to understand at a greater pace than you do at present.



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Wait! Like attracts like? I thought opposites attract.

Yes, both are true. You must rely on 'polar' reasoning to see this though. Polar reasoning is when two, seemingly opposite things are found to be united by a deeper underlaying paradigm.

To illustrate, consider a parable: 

Mister Rabbit wants to breed, multiply, have children...little bunnies of his own. So he has to select a mate. Which of these two rules does he use? Like-to-like, or opposites attract? Mister Rabbit, in fact, uses both rules.

Like attracts like:  Mr. Rabbit selects his potential mate from among other rabbits. He can't mate with a polecat or a housecat. Neither can he have babies with a meerkat.
But, not just any rabbit will do.

Opposites attract: Mr. Rabbit needs to mate with a female bunny if he wants offspring.

Thus, we see that both rules are true and, in fact, are two aspects of the same underlaying paradigm:  the Law of Attraction.

I have a teaching tool that I use to get this point across. It is a coin. On one side, it says, "Opposites Attract" and "Electro- magnetism Energy" and on the other side, it says, "Like Attracts Like" and "Subtle or Potential Energy."
One coin, two sides.

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