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The Law of Attraction

Why is The Law of Attraction So Powerful?

The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law that works all the time and affects you and your surroundings. This Law became more widely known after the movie The Secret was released. Make a willful determination and exertion to center on the affairs that you desire in life and do not focus on the things that you do not desire.

The Law of Attraction is the true definition of infinity. There is no boundary to this development. Thus, if you want to realize the limitless possible benefits of the Law of Attraction, then you will have to understand at a greater pace than you do at present or before you came across the concept of the Law of Attraction.

Here are 10 tips that you should keep in mind when you actually practice the Law of Attraction. The top ten tips are:

  • Know what you want.
  • Only concentrate on the things that you desire in your life.
  • Imagine that you already have what you wish.
  • Feel that you have it already and try to imagine how great such a feeling can be.
  • Never try to limit a result to particular means.
  • When you get an opportunity, take it without hesitating.
  • Have faith in the procedure that what is being asked is on its path.
  • Act as if you have what you desire.
  • Do things that make you feel happy.
  • Be thankful and appreciate the things that you already have in your life.

Once you have what you want, you have to show your gratitude towards it. The Law of Attraction will really bring in wonders if you are grateful to what you get in your life. The more gratitude you show in your life, the more you get what you want. This is the inherent secret of the Law of Attraction. Thus, if you want the Law of Attraction to work wonders for you, then have gratitude in your mind for the things you have. Always have a positive outlook on your life.

How do you apply The Law of Attraction in Your Life?

Now I shall tell you the application of the Law of Attraction and how to make use of it in your life. For this, you have to remember the following points:

  1. How you feel about anything really produces a vibration that is emitted from you.
  2. The vibrations created in you will be the way in which the universe communicates with you.
  3. Each and every person in this world is the creator of their own life.
  4. You appeal to what you imagine and sense.
  5. Words are crucial—they have vigor; therefore, you will get what you invite.
  6. Warmth produces energy, and when you show a lot of love, it will surely attract even more energy.
  7. You, on your own, attract everything to yourself.
  8. Positive thoughts attract what you want more powerfully than negative thoughts.

So be careful as to what thoughts you are going to choose because your thoughts will reflect your actions. What you think and focus on most of the time, you will get. Once you know and have understood the Law of Attraction then you can make it work faster for you by adopting the following tips:

1. Show Your Gratitude: Once you try to be grateful for what you are getting in your life, the Law of Attraction is drawn towards you and you will get more of the thing that makes you happy. But the reverse is also possible. If you are brooding on something, then the Law of Attraction will give you more reasons to be sadder. So to make the Law act in your life, just be happy about all the things in your life no matter how simple they may be.

2. Talk of All the Things That Make You Happy: Always talk of all the desires that you have as if they are with you now. It may be a crazy idea to talk of something that you don't have but want to have. But this is the truth with the Law of Attraction. The more you think of the things that you want, the more the Law of Attraction gives those things in reality.

3. Encircle Yourself With The Things You Want: If you want the Law to bring success in your life then you have to start living with the things that you want most in your life. The success of the application of the Law depends on the fact that you be in the energy that you want. The Law of Attraction will bring for you more of the desires that you have if you have it in your focus.

4. Let It Go! There is a seeming contradiction between having a desire and letting go of that desire. This means that your desire should not be needy, notr should it keep you from appreciating the things that you already have. But remember that there has to be a delicate balance of act and of focus without finding yourself too much wanting or being stuck. When you consider all the above points and start to act in a balanced way you are sure to find the Law of Attraction working for you and you will surely get more of the things that you desire in your life.



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Wait! Like attracts like? I thought opposites attract.

Yes, both are true. You must rely on 'polar' reasoning to see this though. Polar reasoning is when two, seemingly opposite things are found to be united by a deeper underlaying paradigm.

To illustrate, consider a parable: 

Mister Rabbit wants to breed, multiply, have children...little bunnies of his own. So he has to select a mate. Which of these two rules does he use? Like-to-like, or opposites attract? Mister Rabbit, in fact, uses both rules.

Like attracts like:  Mr. Rabbit selects his potential mate from among other rabbits. He can't mate with a polecat or a housecat. Neither can he have babies with a meerkat.
But, not just any rabbit will do.

Opposites attract: Mr. Rabbit needs to mate with a female bunny if he wants offspring.

Thus, we see that both rules are true and, in fact, are two aspects of the same underlaying paradigm:  the Law of Attraction.

I have a teaching tool that I use to get this point across. It is a coin. On one side, it says, "Opposites Attract" and "Electro- magnetism Energy" and on the other side, it says, "Like Attracts Like" and "Subtle or Potential Energy."
One coin, two sides.


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