‟Those of us who somewhat sheepishly spend our time chasing dinosaurs, sea serpents, and little green men in
space suits are painfully aware that things often are not what they seem; that sincere eyewitnesses can-and do- grossly
misinterpret what they have seen; that many extraordinary events can have disappointingly mundane explanations. For
every report I have published in my articles and books, I have shelved maybe fifty
others because they had a possible explanation, or because I
detected problematical details in the witness's story, which cast
doubt on the validity of a paranormal explanation. On the other
hand, I have come across many events which seemed perfectly
normal in one context but which were actually most unusual when
compared with similar events. That is, some apparent coincidences
cease to be coincidental when you realize they have been repeated
again and again in many parts of the world. Collect enough of
these coincidences together and you have a whole tapestry of the
As we progress, you will see that many seemingly straightforward accounts of monster sightings and UFO landings can be explained by irritatingly complex medical and psychological theories. In some cases, the theories will seem more unbelievable than the original events. Please bear in mind that the summaries published here are backed by years of study and experience. I am no longer particularly interested in the manifestations of the phenomenon. I am pursuing the source of the phenomenon itself. To do this, I have objectively divorced myself from all the popular frames of reference. [CROSS REFERENCE: MIB and Magickal Phenomena, Josh Norton] I am not concerned with beliefs but with the cosmic mechanism which has generated and perpetuated those beliefs.”—John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
There is an old house on a tree-lined street in New York's Greenwich Village which harbors a strange ghost. Hans Holzer and other ghost-chasers have included the house in their catalogs of haunted places. The phantom has been seen by several people in recent years. It is dressed in a long black cape and wears a wide-brimmed slouch hat pulled down over its eyes as it slinks from room to room. Self-styled parapsychologists have woven all kinds of fantasies around this apparition. Obviously a spy from the revolutionary war was caught and killed in the old house.
But wait. This ghost may not be a member of the restless dead at all. There were never any reports of hauntings there until about twenty years ago, after the house was vacated by a writer named Walter Gibson. He was, and is, an extraordinarily prolific author. For many years he churned out a full-length novel each month, and many of those novels were written in the house in Greenwich Village. All of them were centered around the spectacularly successful character Gibson created in the 1930s, that nemesis of evil known as The Shadow. If you have read any of The Shadow novels you know that he was fond of lurking in dark alleys dressed in a cape and broad-brimmed slouch hat.
Why would a Shadow-like apparition suddenly appear in an old house? Could it besome kind of residue from Walter Gibson's very powerful mind? We do know that some people can move objects, even bend spoons and keys, with the power of their minds alone. Mental telepathy is now a tested and verified phenomenon. And about 10 percent of the population have the ability to see above and beyond the narrow spectrum of visible light. They can see radiations and even objects invisible to the rest of us. A very large part of the UFO lore is, in fact, based upon the observations of such people. What seems normal to them seems abnormal, even ridiculous, to the rest of us. People who see ghosts or the wandering Shadow have these abilities. They are peering at forms that are always there, always present around us like radio waves, and when certain conditions exist they can see these things. The Tibetans believe that advanced human minds can manipulate these invisible energies into visible forms called tulpas, or thought projections. Did Walter Gibson's intense concentration on his Shadow novels inadvertently bring a tulpa into existence?
Readers of occult literature know there are innumerable cases of ghosts haunting a particular site year after year, century after century, carrying out the same mindless activities endlessly. Build a house on such a site and the ghost will leave locked doors ajar as it marches through to carry out its programed activity. Could these ghosts really be tulpas, residues of powerful minds like the phantom in the broad-brimmed hat?
Next, consider this. UFO activity is concentrated in the same areas year after year. In the Ohio valley, they show a penchant for the ancient Indian mounds which stand throughout the area. Could some UFOs be mere tulpas created by a long forgotten people and doomed forever to senseless maneuvers in the night skies?
Question? How would "mere tulpas" get access to advanced technology? For that matter, why do the MIBs drive around in old-model vehicles, but their weapons and spy-gadgetry is state-of-the-art? — asked by Tom Kuptz Put in your 2¢
There are archaeological sites in the Mississippi valley which have been dated to 8,000 years ago…long before the Indians are supposed to have arrived. Some of the Indian mounds (there are hundreds of them scattered throughout North America) are laid out and constructed with the same kind of mathematical precision found in the pyramids of Egypt. While it is known that the Indians were still adding to some of the mounds in the south when the Europeans first arrived, other mounds seem to be considerably older. Some are built in the form of elephants. What did the builders use for a model? Others are in the shape of sea serpents. These forms can only be seen from the air. To plan and build such mountains of shaped earth required technical skills beyond the simple nomadic woods Indians.
Currently there is a revival in diffusionism, a popular scientific concept of the 1920s which asserted that many of the puzzling artifacts and ancient constructions found throughout the world were the products of a single worldwide culture. The cult of believers in Atlantis were the principal advocates of this idea, so sober scientists naturally turned away from it for a theory that is almost impossible to support. This was the notion that many inventions and ideas simply occurred simultaneously to widespread, isolated cultures.
The flying saucer entities have allegedly contacted many people in almost every country and have immodestly claimed credit for everything from the building of the pyramids to the sinking of Atlantis. Erich Von Daniken, a Swiss author, has popularized the concept that members of an extraterrestrial civilization did contact early earthlings, basing his theories on expansive misinterpretations—and in several instances, deliberate misrepresentations—of archaeological curiosities. Von Daniken seems to be totally ignorant of the work of European scholars such as Brinsley Trench, Paul Misraki, and W. Raymond Drake, who have examined the same curiosities very carefully in the past ten years and developed elaborate philosophical hypotheses about the intrusion and effect of alien beings on mankind since the beginning. Their concepts are wider in scope and significance, and far better documented than Von Daniken's simplistic efforts.
That unidentified flying objects have been present since the dawn of man is an undeniable fact. They are not only described repeatedly in the Bible, but were also the subject of cave paintings made thousands of years before the Bible was written. And a strange procession of weird entities and frightening creatures have been with us just as long. When you review the ancient references you are obliged to conclude that the presence of these objects and beings is a normal condition for this planet. These things, these other intelligences or OINTs as Ivan Sanderson labeled them, either reside here but somehow remain concealed from us, or they do not exist at all and are actually special aberrations of the human mind—tulpas, hallucinations, psychological constructs, momentary materializations of energy from that dimension beyond the reach of our senses and even beyond the reaches of our scientific instruments. They are not from outer space. There is no need for them to be. They have always been here. Perhaps they were here long before we started bashing each other over the head with clubs. If so, they will undoubtedly still be here long after we have incinerated our cities, polluted all the waters, and rendered the very atmosphere unbreathable. Of course, their lives—if they have lives in the usual sense—will be much duller after we have gone. But if they wait around long enough another form of so-called intelligent life will crawl out from under a rock and they can begin their games again.
W. Raymond Drake (1913-1989) was a British writer who published a series of books about ancient astronauts years before the better known work of Erich von Daniken. From the start Drake has included frequent references to Atlantis in his books. However, much of what he has written on Atlantis seems to have originated from the dubious outpourings of Blavatsky and Cayce. An example of his conclusions is ‟The Atlanteans probably developed electronic even telepathic techniques, radio, radar, television, for communicating with their armed forces, far-flung Empire and the near planets, abode of their Teachers.”— Atlantipedia-dot-ie
W. Raymond Drake was not only a well known writer on the ‟ancient astronauts” theme, but also a student of all kinds of fortean subjects. After his death the Drake collection of books, manuscripts and clippings ended up with the Charles Fort Institute (CFI) collection in the basement of the London house of Fortean Times founder Bob Rickard. Access more information on the AFU website…
Passionate from his youth by religious and philosophical questions, Paul Misraki (January 28, 1908 - October 29, 1998), the French composer of popular music and film scores, was interested in all forms of spirituality: including the occult sciences, and maintained a rich correspondence with the exegetes of the moment. Converted to Catholicism in 1938, he wrote several books on philosophical and religious issues, including The House of My Father, with Jacqueline Chassang of the French Academy, which received the Montyon Prize of the Academy. After trying his hand at the style of the novel, he returns to religious questions, publishes his debates with Jean Bruller, aka Vercors, and lets himself be carried away by the craze of the 60s for the "UFO", which he considers as an obvious manifestation of the "diversity of Creation". A convinced believer in the existence of the soul and spirits, he wrote several books on eternal life, and the survival of the soul, and related his mystical experiences in youth. His last work, "Hope, you said hope" is a statement of faith.
Back in the 1920s, Charles Fort, the first writer to explore inexplicable events, observed you can measure a circle by beginning anywhere. Paranormal phenomena are so widespread, so diversified, and so sporadic yet so persistent that separating and studying any single element is not only a waste of time but also will automatically lead to the development of belief. Once you have established a belief, the phenomenon adjusts its manifestations to support that belief and thereby escalate it. If you believe in the devil he will surely come striding down your road one rainy night and ask to use your phone. If you believe that flying saucers are astronauts from another planet they will begin landing and collecting rocks from your garden.
Many—most—of the manifestations accompanying the UFO
phenomenon simply did not fit into the enthusiasts concept of how
a superior intelligence from another galaxy would behave. So the
flying saucer clubs carefully ignored, even suppressed, the details
of those manifestations for many years. When a black suited man
in a Cadillac turned up, he couldn't possibly be one of the
endearing space people so he had to be a rotten, sneaky
government agent. It was inconceivable to the hardcore UFO
believers that the flying saucers would be a permanent part of our
environment and that these men in black were residents of this
planet associated with the UFOs.
But this is a fact; the "truth" the UFO fans have sought for so long. And as Daniel Webster put it, ‟There is nothing so powerful as truth, and often nothing so strange.”
You can't learn the truth by chasing UFOs helter-skelter through the skies inplanes. The air forces of several governments tried that for years. It is vain to hire astronomers. They are not trained in the kind of disciplines needed to investigate earthly phenomena, or even to interview earthly witnesses.
Interviewing is an advanced art, the province of journalists and psychologists. One does not hire a parachutist to go spelunking in a cave or a balloonist to go diving for treasure. If you need a brain surgeon you don't hire a horticulturist who has spent his life trimming plants. Yet this is the approach our government has taken to the UFO phenomenon.
I realized the folly of trying to measure the circle from some distant point, so I picked a microcosm on the edge of the circle—a place where many strange manifestations were occurring simultaneously. And I hit the jackpot immediately, rather like the opening of an old Max Schulman novel: ‟Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Four shots ripped into my groin and I was off on the greatest adventure of my life.”
NEXT: The Creep Who Came in from the Cold
DETOUR: The Chariots of the Gods ebook in PDF format
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John A. Keel (March 25, 1930 - July 3, 2009) was an American journalist and influential UFOlogist best known as the author of
The Mothman Prophecies. In the 1950s, he spent time in Egypt, India, and the Himalayas investigating snake charming cults, the
Indian rope trick, and the legendary Yeti, an adventure that culminated in the publication of his first book, Jadoo.
In the mid-1960s, he took up investigating UFOs and assorted forteana and published his first knockout UFO book,
UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse.
Is there a single intelligent force behind all religious, occult, and UFO phenomena?
Strange manifestations have haunted humans since prehistoric times. Beams of light, voices from the heavens, the "little people," gods and devils, ghosts and monsters, and UFOs, have all had a prominent place in our history and legends. In his dark works, John A. Keel explores these phenomena, and in doing so reveals the shocking truth about our present position and future destiny in the cosmic scheme of things.
John Keel wrote his first article on unidentified flying objects in 1945, but it was not until a visit to the Aswan Dam in Upper Egypt in 1954 that he saw his first genuine flying saucer. He has written for numerous national publications, and his by lined newspaper features, syndicated by the North American Newspaper Alliance, have appeared in more than 150 major newspapers in the United Statesand abroad. His many articles on UFOs and his personal research on the subject resulted in his being awarded a plaque as "Ufologist of the Year" at the 1967 Convention of Scientific Ufologists.
Tulpa-dot-io - What is a tulpa?
Urban Dictionary - define Tulpa
Psychonautwiki - encyclopedia entry
wikihow - How to Create a Tulpa
TulpaWiki - This wiki is intended to outline the modern tulpa phenomenon in an encyclopedic and factual manner.
Youtube - How to Create a Tulpa Video
Vice-dot-com - ‟The Internet's Newest Subculture Is All About Creating Imaginary Friends”
“An essential read. Even if you just enjoy good suspense, when Keel talks of his own experiences with Men in Black, stolen evidence, and intimidation via eerie phone calls and visitations, you'll want to keep reading.” —Strange Horizons
“The Mothman remains a potent piece of American folklore.” —CNN
West Virginia, 1966. For thirteen months the town of Point Pleasant is gripped by a real-life nightmare culminating in a tragedy that makes headlines around the world. Strange occurrences and sightings, including a bizarre winged apparition that becomes known as the Mothman, trouble this ordinary American community. Mysterious lights are seen moving across the sky. Domestic animals are found slaughtered and mutilated. And journalist John Keel, arriving to investigate the freakish events, soon finds himself an integral part of an eerie and unfathomable mystery.
Translated into over thirteen languages, John Keel's The Mothman Prophecy is an unsettling true story of the paranormal that has long been regarded as a classic in the literature of the unexplained.
Brinsley Le Poer Trench (1911-1995) was a member of both British and Dutch nobility with the titles of 8th Earl of Clancarty and 7th Marquess of Heusden and had a seat in the British House of Lords. He held a number of extreme opinions regarding extraterrestrial visitors, UFO's and the Hollow Earth Theory and wrote a number of books in support of them.
Saucerian Press presents an astounding and scholarly classic from the former editor of Europe's top UFO magazine, Flying Saucer Review. Inside The Sky People: Ancient Aliens and the Supernatural you will find proof that visitors from other planets exist, and have visited Earth since ancient times.
You will be shocked to learn that:
What is the significance of the cross, and who was the Serpent of the Bible? Could the Serpent have represented wisdom to ancient man, rather than evil? Did the gods punish us for wanting knowledge? Are the ETs helping us, or hindering us as a species? What ties all of the world’s religions together?
Find the answers to these questions and more in this book, which goes beyond the theories of Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Daniken: Brinsley Le Poer Trench’s The Sky People.
"The Sky People takes off where Chariots of the Gods runs out of gas…” –Hampton Roads Press
Dig even deeper with this anthology of rare material, carefully collected and edited by Timothy Green Beckley :
The belief in strange beings coming down from the stars to intermingle with humanity can be traced back to the earliest days of mankind. While the scientific community maintains that the current notion of UFOs and their extraterrestrial pilots is simply a modern version of the myths and legends contained within almost every culture and civilization, Ancient Astronaut theorists maintain that we have been “tinkered with,” and that someone – or “something” else – is keeping a watchful eye over mankind for their own purposes that can only be alluded to.
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