Top Level Category : Go Back to Index This page was updated December 7, 2019 by jtk and is under construction
Adams, Blair - subject of an unsolved mystery
Arnett, Will - Hollywood weirdo
Bailer, Darice - zoologist, ornithologist
Bale, Christian - Hollywood weirdo
Bearden, Tom - scalar scientist
Bisignano, Aphonse - Italian chef, cookbook author
Brickhouse-Bey, Randy - Internet marketer
Bridges, Chris - Hollywood weirdo
Burnham, Bryan R. - statistician
Cain, George - Professor of Mathematics
Carrey, Jim - Hollywood weirdo
Cook, John D. - Mathematician, Computer Scientist, Consultant
de Niro, Robert - Hollywood weirdo
de Souza, Jefferson - Whistleblower and political prisoner involved with UFO disclosure
Dorsey, Jack - Silicon Valley creep
Fonda, Peter - Hollywood weirdo
Foster, Alan Dean - sci fi author
Gaiman, Neil - author, comic book celebrity
Garant, Roger - Internet marketer
Gardner, Cheryl - traffic exchange guru
Gardner, Tamika - cookbook author, chef
Garrison, Ben - polital cartoonist
Goodnight, Carl - USA Hosting & Mailer
Gosnell, Raja - Hollywood weirdo
Greer, Steven; Dr. - open source advocate & ‟Discolser”
Holland, John H. - author of Complex Adaptive Systems
Hrbacek, Karel - Professor of Mathematics
Iglesias, Gabriel - Hollywood weirdo
Jech, Thomas - Professor of Mathematics
Johnson, Shani - Royle Media
Joyce, David - Professor of Mathematics, Clark University
Kelder, Peter - author of Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth
Kepler, Tom - author of "Picasso and Perception" PDF
Kimmel, Jimmy - Hollywood weirdo
Kristensen, Hans M. - author of article titled, ‟Chinese nuclear forces, 2019”
Leguizamo, John - Hollywood weirdo
Lessing, Ken - Internet marketer
Lyonne, Natasha - Hollywood weirdo
Mark, John - Expert on Propertarianism
Martin, James Michael - Saw through the Urantia deception
Maxfield, Beverly - Internet marketer
McMullen, Curtis - Professor of Mathematics, Harvard Univ.
McTaggert, Lynne - author of The Power of Eight
Rugley, Yvonne - Internet marketer
Miles, Heath - Internet marketer
Montgomery, Bertha Vining - cookbook author, chef
Mosher, Dave - Advertising Magnate Updated 12/7/2019
Myers, Mary Ann - Internet marketer
Nabwire, Constance - cookbook author, chef
Neale, Vicky - Professor of Mathematics
Otfinoski, Steven - wildlife expert
Ottmann, Randy - Internet marketer
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Ray, Rachel - creator of Nourish dog food, rumored to also make people food
Rey, Neila - fitness, exercise expert
Roberts, Paul Craig - columnist PAGE
Rogen, Seth - Hollywood weirdo
Rosante, Adam - author of The 30-Second Body
Rugley, Yvonne - Internet marketer
Salinas, Frank - Internet marketer
Schneider, Mark B. - Author of article titled ‟Why You Should Be Afraid of China's Nuclear Weapons”
Schumer, Chuck - professional liar
Sessions, Jeff - senile old man
Silverman, Sarah - Hollywood weirdo
Sparks, Jordin - Hollywood weirdo
Stokes, Marion - Video archivist
Strang, Gilbert - Professor of Mathematics
Swedenborg, Emanuel - prophesied the rise of Falun Gong during the end times
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas - Expert on complexity, economics, statistics; Author
Triumph, Tom - Author of Evolve or Die
Walton, Travis - claimed UFO abductee
Yu, Ling - author of Cooking the Chinese Way
Zhou, Carol - from Foshan GuangDong, a China Blogger I was following, unfortunately her website went down and we lost touch
Zuckerberg, Mark - Silicon Valley creep
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